+27 84 448 1601 carel@diveinn.co.za

World Tourism Day Cape Town

World Tourism Day

World Tourism Day is held on the 27 September each year. Idea is to bring attention how important tourism is to cities, countries and there people.

World Tourism Day

Table Mountain

In Cape Town it was taken even further and September was made Tourism month. So this meant all around small functions and indabas to celebrate and discuss what the tourism market means in Cape Town.

In South Africa September is also seen as Heritage month with the 24th being heritage day and then also a public holiday. Dive Inn Cape Town attended 2 events, one at Wine tourism Indaba (Groot Constantia). The first at the Protea hotel in Stellenbosch (hosted by Metrorail and variety of partners).

The current online life hash tags for world tourism day would of course be the norm thus. #tourism4all #WTD2016 was created and used all around.

Tourism for all was the main theme for this year and focuses on Universal accessibility in tourism.

A lot of travellers do have disabilities and only for some this is catered for. The norm is normally wheel chair access, parking and specialised restrooms. But this is not the only disabilities out there. Vision for example is also a big issue. Writing is small on all paper work, taps you cannot make out which is hot or cold. Steps in showers can also be an issue for most people.

World Tourism Day


For some the restrooms and bath rooms are also not very well planned and it could be an issue as well.

Counters can be too high for people in wheel chairs. Most wine tasting rooms do have ‘Bartop’ counters and it’s too high for the wheelchairs. This is mostly an issue for the smaller farms. Lucky the farms with the bigger tasting rooms have separate tables where all the guests can sit and enjoy the stunning wines at eye level.

World Tourism Day

Groot Constantia

On World tourism day Derek Hanekom, Minister of tourism stated the following:

“The Department of Tourism is undertaking many initiatives to promote Universal Accessibility:

  • The Tourism Grading Council of South Africa provides tourism establishments with guidelines on UA features
  • A new incentive programme which will become effective in 2017 will support tourism businesses to become UA compliant
  • The Service Excellence program for staff at attractions includes Sensitivity Training, training for tour guides to serve clients with special needs, and Sign Language training
  • A database of UA compliant providers and suppliers is being compiled to help tourists make choices
  • The Department is working with South African Tourism to market UA products domestic and internationally, and encouraging the development of UA tourism routes
  • We have engaged various organisations that represent people with disabilities to explore how the tourism industry can serve them better, including Blind SA, Deaf SA, the National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in South Africa, and the South African Disability Alliance.
  • The Department has been working with Cape Town and Durban to conduct UA audits on tourism businesses and public attractions, transportation and other places of interest
  • This year, the Department will develop a UA Assessment Tool for government-owned provincial parks, and provide raining for staff at tourism attractions
  • Next year, we will conduct audits at government-owned parks in four provinces, identify the gaps and recommend solutions.”

World tourism day summary.

Thus in short we as suppliers or providers need to think how we can change our outlook on people of disabilities and how to change how we tour with our guests.

The below link from Responsible tourism Cape Town also provide more info. http://responsiblecapetown.co.za/responsible-tourism-in-cape-town-how-to-guide/

Dive Inn Cape Town Peak Season

Dive Inn Cape Town Peak Season

Dive Inn Cape Town Peak Season

WOW what a season. Loads of tourists visiting from the states and United Kingdom (mostly cricket supporters) touring and diving in our beautiful city of Cape Town.

Dive Inn Cape Town Peak Season blog is a quick view of what we were up to with some pics of where we have been.

Diving was a bit on the down side with us only being able to do 14 dives in the month. Tours were much more in demand with us doing Cape Peninsula tours, Table Mountain, Kirstenbosch, Constantia winelands, Stellenbosch winelands and even 2 trips to Gansbay / Hermanus for shark cage diving.

Cape Town Peak Season

Table Mountain

On our dives we saw loads of Nudibranchs but did not find any of the resident seven gill cow shark. They have been scarce for a while now. However we were lucky to have spotted the shy gully shark on the dives which helped as a shark dive just makes it more fun. The best is that most of our dives were still done in the warmer waters of False Bay and Walker Bay with temperatures of 16 to 20 degrees Celsius and viz from 5-15 meters. The Atlantic dives had good viz but with 8-10 degrees, BBBRRRRRR.

Dive Inn Cape Town Peak Season

Orange Lined Nudibranch

The only courses we done was PADI discover Scuba Diving and refreshers. The rest was Nudibranch Hunting.

We started early on most of the Cape Peninsula tours to miss the seasonal traffic jams there was hectic lines at Boulders Beach and Cape Point Gate. We even changed the tour routes around to miss the big coaches. Table Mountain unfortunately had ques all the time, even with our pre-booked tickets. I got some good exercise in as I needed to park the touring vehicle miles away from the cable car and running up and down to fetch it in very hot weather. More exercise at Cape Point with hikes up to the light house, erected in 1860. There are about 140 steps to the top of the lighthouse after riding up with the Flying Dutchman Funicular. (more…)

ReActivate Dive Inn Cape Town

ReActivate Dive Inn Cape Town

ReActivate Dive Inn Cape Town

3-2-1 and GO.

After 2 and a half years of being Pisces Divers head instructor I now ReActivate Dive Inn Cape Town again.

Dive Inn Cape Town was active for 3 years before it went on slumber mode while working at Pisces.

It was really fun working in the Pisces Divers family but like all things good it needed to come to an end. Thank you Mike for the opportunity to have worked for one of the best dive shops in Cape Town. Now I will need to give you a go for the best one on one service provided to Scuba divers in Cape Town. (more…)